Of course another family I met through my neighborhood 😉 because my neighborhood is truly THE BEST!!
Mcrae was the first person I really became friends with when we moved to Utah. We were both pregnant and both had 3 year old girls, we were also both 23, and had got married at 18, so we had alot in common which felt so nice!
Our families quickly became good friends and we began hanging out nearly every day that summer! I met some other members of her extended family during that time and it was so much fun to meet her entire family at this photoshoot! Family sessions are always crazy with little kids, especially 6 kids, 4 and under! Kids are always so curious at that age and want to run around and play, which was exactly what happened, but we wrangled them all up and got some good pictures! It was a little rainy and cold, but all the kiddos did amazing!
I am always grateful when people support my business and love getting the opportunity to meet more of my friends families through these sessions! Love this Family!!