Tanner served his mission up in Spokane, WA at the same time that my dad was the Ward Mission leader, so the missionaries were at our house quite often. Our ward was Tanner’s first area in July of 2015. Right when I had graduated High School. He served in our ward for 6 months and then was transferred out of our ward until the end of his mission. He then got put back in our ward for the last 5 months of his mission and when he got back I was married and had a kid! Haha! It’s crazy how fast things can change.
It has been a few years and I am now 8 months pregnant with my second child, but was wanting some more couples photos for my portfolio so I reached out to Tanner and his girlfriend McCall. They happily agreed to do it and we decided the salt flats would be the perfect place. We just got out of Winter so the Salt Flats were flooded in a lot of areas and muddy in others, but we made it work and I am in love with how they turned out! Plus we got to exfoliate our feet in the salt water 😉 They were up for anything I had them do despite the crazy amount of salt, water, and mud!
McCall and Tanner met when they were in High School, but both of them were dating different people at the time. They have known of each other throughout the years, but the timing was never right until about a year after Tanner got back from his mission and they decided to start dating. They have been dating about a year now and are still going strong. They have such a strong connection and you can tell they were made for eachother. I can’t wait to see what their future holds!